The Tolkein Blog Party Tag

I'm so excited I could skip afternoon tea, or even elevenses, but, as you'll see in a later post, I'm not going to. Anyway, I'm happy to be participating for the first time in Hamlette's Tolkien Blog Party! Thank you, Hamlette for hosting this magical event for seven years!

The Tag:

Would You Rather...

1.  ...join Thorin's Company or the Fellowship?

The Fellowship!
Thorin's Company sounds fun, but they're not really as awesome as The Fellowship, treasure hunting vs. saving the world: I would join the greater cause.

2.  ...ride Shadowfax or an eagle?

I don't really think this is fair, but I suppose only Gandalf has the chance to do both.

Probably Shadowfax, because I'm a little {very} afraid of heights.

3. through Moria or Mirkwood?


I love woods and forests, and I feel better equipped to deal with the challenges presented by them than those underground.

Moria is extremely scary, and I have never been comfortable underground, the few mine tours I've taken in my life have left me with nightmares, perhaps Mr. Tolkien felt the same way.

4.  ...learn to make elvish rope or mithril chain mail?

Elvish rope. 
Much more useful for an unexpected journey than mithril, unless you plan on being in battle.

5.  ...try to outwit Smaug or Saruman?

To outwit Saruman you need both wit and power, for Smaug only wit; one less thing to worry about packing.

6.  ...spend an hour with Grima Wormtongue or Denethor?

I feel threatened and powerless around Denethor.
It's more like disgusted with Wormtongue.

If I had to spend time with one of them I guess it would be Wormtongue because I would never fall for his treachery, and I don't want to risk upsetting Denethor.

7.  ...attend Faramir's wedding or Samwise's wedding?

Samwise's, of course!

What could be better than a Hobbit-style wedding: a close group of friends, the best food, singing, dancing, and of course stories.

I would probably be overwhelmed with a Gondor wedding, and there would be too many people.

8.  ...have to care for the One Ring or the Arkenstone for a day?

Probably the Arkenstone.

If I am killed and they take it from me a great darkness doesn't consume Middle Earth, and if I'm as good a thief as Bilbo maybe no one will know that I have it and I can bury it somewhere so that there's no more fighting about it.

9.  ...have tea with Bilbo or Frodo?

Oddly enough, I'm going to say Bilbo.

The perfect hobbit tea is rustic, old-fashioned, and full of stories of the old times. For certain reasons I can't picture Frodo as old, and so, though he has many stories, the telling of them is for other circumstances than tea. Bilbo also seems like more of a storyteller in general than Frodo; Frodo is more the quiet type, who drops little gems of advise and philosophy when he speaks.

10.  ...fight alongside Boromir or Eomer?

This one is hard!


I like the camaraderie and structure of Rohan's army, or cavalry, better than Gondor's and I think that Eomer is a good leader, so I would fight beside him.

And because I'd be part of The Fellowship I might get to do both.

There are my answers, please join the party at Hamlette's blog, and post answers of your own.

Thank you Hamlette, these are great questions, I really enjoyed answering them. 


  1. Great answers! And I particularly enjoyed your points on 9 & 10 -- good thinking. :-)

  2. Thank you, I like your answers as well, it has been so fun to read all the different perspectives.

    I like your character sketches, that's a great way to dive into the story.

  3. Yeah, Moria is terrifying. No way am I going in there! Nice answers! Though, I disagree on the first one... ;)


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